The purpose of this document is:
• To provide a general overview of the STid ArcBlue API Architecture.
• To define the functions provided by the Web API.
For an End Customer to use Web API functions, the Reseller has to generate an access token and send it to End Customer first.
There are four HTTP verbs used in the STid Mobile ID API:
GET retrieves data
POST creates new data
PUT updates existing data
DELETE removes data
A successful request will return a HTTP 200-series response along with the JSON response representing the object when creating, deleting, or updating a resource.
Tool to test WEB API commands, without any test application to develop :
Server name :
API Link :
First step, follow the Workflow of the documentation to get its accessToken (noted X…Y next in this User Guide) This token is made for Final Customer. It means that with this identifier, he will be able to manage ALL his sites. Token requests are anonymous (type ResellerName (API46843548)), name of Final Customer is not displayed. Tokens are validated and sent by STid. Request is done by Reseller. Final Customer can ask for token ONLY if his reseller is STid. It is not possible to manage accounts and configuration with WEB API. Only WEB platform can do such features.
First request to do is to select site :
If Request is OK, result is :
"SiteName":"My Site"
Where User will find different sites that he wants to manage. For example, if he wants to modify parts of the site « My Site », he will need to use Identifier Site SiteId=122
Then he will get the list of available configurations of this site with :
If Request is OK, result is :
"ConfigurationName":"Conf1 A",
From this step, he can receive all existing VCard with : for example for configuration «confA » :
And he can choose to modify one :for example VirtualCardId=4815 (no link with PId/CSN)
Method | PUT |
Response format | JSON |
"VirtualCardId": "4815",
"Field1":"field 1",
"Field2":"field 2",
"Field3":"field 3",
"Field4":"field 4",
"Field5":"field 5"
And he can choose to add one :
Method | POST |
Response format | JSON |
"Field1":"field 1",
"Field2":"field 2",
"Field3":"field 3",
"Field4":"field 4",
"Field5":"field 5"
And so on… with all other commands.
To summarize, first phase of requests must always be:
1. GetSiteList, to get the ID of all sites.
2. GetReaderConfigurationList, to get the ID of the reader configurations.
3. Optional GetVirtualCardList, to get the list of VCard related to one reader configuration of one site.
Then, we can use any command from WEB API to go on and develop own application.
Error responses are served with a non-200-series HTTP code. Usually a JSON response will be attached, but some errors will respond with different kinds of body. In these circumstances where a response structure cannot be parsed, consider the HTTP code’s core meaning to take precedence. For instance, you may occasionally see a HTTP 404 along with a HTML response. In this case, it’s safe to assume that the content cannot be found (HTTP 404 means “Not Found”).
Typical error responses follow a similar structure to successful responses. The nature of the error will be communicated in an errors node of the response. The errors/code node will indicate a CAPS_CASE constant error code you can programmatically consume to make resolution decisions from. The errors/message node will indicate a (usually) human-readable description of the error in English. Additional fields may be attached to indicate finer-grained detail about the error.
Custom Code | Error Message |
001 | Access token is invalid |
002 | Site id does not exist |
003 | VCard id does not exist |
004 | A required parameter was not provided: Parameter Name |
008 | Invalid file format |
010 | VCards exported unsuccessfully |
011 | VCards file could not be reported |
013 | API call limit exceeded |
014 | Company credits insufficient.Please contact to your API administrator |
015 | VCard already activated |
016 | Pending revoke virtual card cannot be sent again |
017 | Scheme and hostname should be valid |
018 | VCard ids cannot be empty or null |
019 | Email not sent |
020 | Virtual Card email sent successfully |
021 | VCard not exist |
022 | Pending revoke virtual cards cannot be deleted |
023 | Virtual card deleted successfully from portal. Waiting for mobile response. |
024 | Activated CSN cannot be deleted or revoked |
025 | Virtual card deleted successfully |
026 | Virtual card cannot be deleted. It is associated to mobile phone |
027 | Virtual card is not activated yet |
028 | Activated CSN cannot be revoked |
029 | Virtual card revoked successfully |
030 | Excel File cannot be accessed |
031 | Import data mismatch |
032 | File must be excel |
033 | Blue Mobile ID Configuration does not exist |
034 | Blue Mobile ID Configuration protocol does not match |
035 | VCard already exist |
036 | VCard created successfully. Warning: This Private ID is already assigned |
037 | Private ID should be unique for this site |
038 | Configuration data is not correct |
039 | Virtual Card imported successfully |
040 | Virtual Card not imported successfully |
041 | Email Invalid |
042 | Special characters are not allowed in first or last name |
043 | Phone number invalid |
044 | First name cannot be empty |
045 | Last name cannot be empty |
047 | Langauge must be 'en' or 'fr' |
049 | Language not exist |
050 | VCard deleted successfully. Warning: Credits will be lost |
051 | Private ID should be a decimal |
052 | Private ID should be a hexadecimal |
053 | Duplicate private Id exist |
054 | Private id should not be empty or null |
055 | Configuration id does not exist |
056 | Entered field 1 value is invalid (value length should have maximum 30 characters and characters should not include “) |
057 | Virtual card email cannot be edited |
058 | Virtual card configuration cannot be changed |
059 | No site exist |
060 | No Configuration exist |
061 | No VCard exist |
062 | VCard not exist in this site |
063 | Site not exist in this company |
064 | Entered field 2 value is invalid (value length should have maximum 30 characters and characters should not include “) |
065 | Entered field 3 value is invalid (value length should have maximum 30 characters and characters should not include “) |
066 | Entered field 4 value is invalid (value length should have maximum 30 characters and characters should not include “) |
067 | Entered field 5 value is invalid (value length should have maximum 30 characters and characters should not include “) |
068 | VCard not created |
069 | VCard email already exist |
070 | Invalid configuration id or private id |
071 | Activated CSN deleted successfully |
072 | Activated CSN cannot be deleted or revoked |
073 | Site card private id invalid - It should be e.g. XXX-YYYYY |
074 | Configuration does not exist in this site |
075 | Virtual card private id cannot be edited |
077 | Photo name does not exist in this site |
078 | Card layout name does not exist in this site |
079 | Invalid card layout name |
080 | Invalid photo name |
082 | Photo name should be less than 30 characters |
083 | Photo must be less than 200KB |
084 | Photo name should be unique |
085 | Photo uploaded successfully |
086 | Invalid image type |
087 | Please upload any photo |
088 | Card layout name should be less than 30 characters |
089 | Photo cannot be assigned without card layout name |
090 | Card layout name cannot be changed |
091 | Photo name cannot be changed |
092 | Maximum combined size of all images should not be greater than 100MB |
093 | Uploading / Importing has started. Result will be available on 'Import History' page when process is completed |
094 | You already have a file in queue for this site |
095 | Please upload any file |
096 | VCard updated successfully |
097 | CSN cannot be transferable |
098 | Virtual card already activated |
099 | Pending revoke virtual card cannot be downloaded again |
600 | No Import history exist |
601 | Visitor card end date time should be greater than start date time |
602 | Visitor card time zone invalid |
603 | Visitor date time format invalid.It should be dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm |
604 | Visitor card has been expired |
605 | Visitor card is non transferable |
606 | VCard updated successfully / Visitor card is non transferable |
607 | Card layout cannot be assigned to CSN / CSN cannot be transferable |
608 | VCard updated successfully / Card layout cannot be assigned to CSN |
609 | VCard not updated successfully |
610 | Visitor start date time cannot be empty or null |
611 | Visitor end date time cannot be empty or null |
612 | Visitor time zone cannot be empty or null | 614 | End date time should be greater than current date time |
628 | Invalid Security Code |
633 | Cannot import OCB configurations in V1/V2 |
634 | Maximum 10000 VCards record can be allowed in a file |
635 | OCB configuration cannot be assigned in V1 |
Custom Error Code | Message |
13 | API call limit exceeded |
"Message":"API call limit exceeded"
URL : https://servername/api/GetFileImportedStatusV3/?accessToken=XYZ
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
Success : JSON object contains a status to check whether VCard excel file(s) has been imported successfully or not. 'yes' indicates file imported successfully and 'no' indicates file not imported yet and still in progress.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"isFileImported": "no"
Custom Error Code | Message |
1 | Access token is invalid |
"Message":"Access token is invalid"
URL : https://servername/api/GetImportHistoryV3/?accessToken=XYZ&siteId=000
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success : JSON object contains a list of import VCard history records associated with the given access token. Import VCard history records object has ImportStatus,SiteName,Email and ImportDate of string type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"data": [
"ImportStatus": "Email invalid",
"SiteName": "FIrst-Site",
"Email": "",
"ImportDate": "19-12-2019 15:38"
"ImportStatus": "Configuration not exist",
"SiteName": "FIrst-Site",
"Email": "",
"ImportDate": "19-12-2019 15:38"
Error:Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format
Custom Error Code | Message |
1 | Access token is invalid |
"Message":"Access token is invalid"
URL : https://servername/api/EditMultipleVirtualCardsV3/
Method | PUT |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
ids | Mandatory field and should be array(long) of virtual card ids. | (Array) long [] |
transferable |
Transferable value should be Yes/yes/YES/No/NO/no only Note* CSN cannot be transferable/ Visitor card is non transferable |
string |
cardlayoutName |
Optional field and it's value should be empty/null if user doesn't want to update Note* CardLayout cannot assigned to the CSN |
string |
"accessToken": "X..Y",
Success : JSON object contains success message having VirtualCardID,statuscode and response message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"StatusCode": 200,
"responseMessage": [
"VirtualCardId": 46754,
"StatusCode": 97,
"ResponseMessage": "CSN cannot be transferable."
"VirtualCardId": 46755,
"StatusCode": 96,
"ResponseMessage": "VCard updated successfully"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":"Site id does not exist"
Model invalid : If request JSON have validation error, it will be shown as
HTTP Status Code | Message |
400 | Bad Request |
"Message":"The request is invalid.",
"Invalid access token"
"A required parameter was not provided: Site Id"
URL : https://servername/api/ImportVirtualCardV3/
Method | POST |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter (Form data) | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Excel File | VCards file for import (file formats allowed: .xlsx and .csv) | HttpPostedFile |
Please see this example to Import Virtual Card(s) Excel file using POSTMAN.
Success : JSON object contains success message having statuscode and response message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"ResponseMessage":"Uploading / Importing has started. Result will be available on 'Import History' page when process is completed"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":" Site id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/GetUUIDV3/?accessToken=X234..XX&confName=Conf&siteName=Site1&
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | String |
confName | Mandatory field and it should not be empty or null and should exist in a site. | String |
siteName | Mandatory field and it should not be empty or null and should exist. | String |
Mandatory field and it should not be empty or null. | String |
Success : JSON object contains VCard UUID, server name and IsSecureCard which will be used to download virtual cards. IsSecureCard value 1 indicates, virtual card is secured with security code. This function requires site name, access token, configuration name and email address of the vcard user
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"IsSecureCard": 1
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
062 | VCard not exist in this site |
"Message":"VCard not exist in this site"
URL : https://servername/api/GetPhotoListV2/?accessToken=wXA&siteId=0
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success : JSON object contains a list of photo object associated with the site id and given access token. A photo object has an PhotoId of integer type and PhotoName of string type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"PhotoId": 45,
"PhotoName": "1"
"PhotoId": 52,
"PhotoName": "1112",
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":" Site id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/GetCardLayoutListV2/?accessToken=wXA&siteId=0
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success : JSON object contains a list of cardlayout object associated with the site id and given access token. A cardlayout object has a CardLayoutId of integer type and CardLayoutName of string type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"CardLayoutId": 10038,
"CardLayoutName": "My Card"
"CardLayoutId": 10039,
"CardLayoutName": "Sample Card"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":" Site id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/GetVirtualCardPreviewV2/?accessToken=Y2M&vcardId=000&siteId=000
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
vcardId* | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success : JSON object contains VCard preview object associated with the VCard id and given access token. A VCard preview object has an FrontVirtualCardPreview and BackVirtualCardPreview of string type. Incase of CSN / Private ID default Card layout VCard preview object has only FrontVirtualCardPreview of string type and BackVirtualCardPreview has empty or null value
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"FrontVirtualCardPreview": "...hEUgAAA5=",
"BackVirtualCardPreview": "...hEUgAAA5="
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
3 | VCard id does not exist |
"Message":"VCard id does not exist"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
3 | VCard id does not exist |
"Message":"VCard id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/GetVirtualCardListV2/?accessToken=NZTJ&siteId=000
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success : JSON object contains a list of VCard object associated with the site id and given access token. A VCard object has an VirtualCardId,ConfigurationId,PhotoId and CardLayoutId of integer type, first name, last name, configuration name, Status, Email, PhotoName, CardLayoutName,Transferable (Optional field, default value = no), CreationDate, ActivationDate, RevokeDate,StartDateTime,EndDateTime,VisitorTimeZone,IsVisitorCard, Fields (1-5),SecurityCode and private id of string type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"CardLayoutName": "123",
"CreationDate": "24-07-2019 15:40",
"ActivationDate": "",
"RevokeDate": "",
"PhotoId": 45,
"PhotoName": "1",
"CardLayoutId": 10058,
"Transferable": "No",
"StartDateTime": "30-03-2020 21:14",
"EndDateTime": "31-03-2020 21:14",
"VisitorTimeZone": "Europe/Paris",
"IsVisitorCard": "Yes",
SecurityCode": null
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":" Site id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/GetVirtualCardDetailV2/?accessToken=Y2M&vcardId=000&siteId=000
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
vcardId* | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success : JSON object contains VCard detail object associated with the VCard id and given access token. A VCard detail object has an id of integer type, first name, last name, Status,StartDateTime,EndDateTime,VisitorTimeZone,IsVisitorCard,CreationDate, ActivationDate, RevokeDate, Fields(1-5),SecurityCode, Email, Phone ,private Id, CardLayoutName, Transferable (Default value = no) and PhotoName of string type and configuration id, PhotoId and CardLayoutId of integer type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"CreationDate": "24-07-2019 15:40",
"ActivationDate": "",
"RevokeDate": "",
"Transferable": "No",
"StartDateTime": "30-03-2020 21:14",
"EndDateTime": "31-03-2020 21:14",
"VisitorTimeZone": "Europe/Paris",
"IsVisitorCard": "Yes",
"SecurityCode": null
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
3 | VCard id does not exist |
"Message":"VCard id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/GetVirtualCardDetailV2/?accessToken=MTA0M&configurationId=000&siteId=000&privateId=0000
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
configurationId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
privateId | Mandatory field and should not be empty or null | string |
Success : JSON object contains a list of VCards detail object associated with the Private id and given access token. A VCard object has an VirtualCardId,ConfigurationId,PhotoId and CardLayoutId of integer type, first name, last name, configuration name, Status, Email, PhotoName, CardLayoutName, CreationDate, ActivationDate, RevokeDate,Transferable (Default value = "no"),StartDateTime,EndDateTime,VisitorTimeZone,IsVisitorCard, Fields (1-5), SecurityCode and private id of string type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"FirstName": "john",
"LastName": "smith",
"PhoneNumber": null,
"PrivateorStidId": "12345678",
"ConfigurationId": 0000,
"ConfigurationName": "HHHH WPX",
"VirtualCardId": 0000,
"Status": "Created",
"Email": "",
"Field1": null,
"Field2": null,
"Field3": null,
"Field4": null,
"Field5": null,
"CardLayoutName": "FontSampleCard",
"CreationDate": "24-07-2019 15:40",
"ActivationDate": "",
"RevokeDate": "",
"PhotoId": 00,
"PhotoName": "1",
"CardLayoutId": 0000,
"Transferable": "No",
"StartDateTime": "30-03-2020 21:14",
"EndDateTime": "31-03-2020 21:14",
"VisitorTimeZone": "Europe/Paris",
"IsVisitorCard": "Yes",
"SecurityCode": null
"FirstName": "john",
"LastName": "smith",
"PhoneNumber": null,
"PrivateorStidId": "12345678",
"ConfigurationId": 0000,
"ConfigurationName": "HHHH WPX",
"VirtualCardId": 0000,
"Status": "Created",
"Email": "",
"Field1": null,
"Field2": null,
"Field3": null,
"Field4": null,
"Field5": null,
"CardLayoutName": null,
"CreationDate": "24-07-2019 15:40",
"ActivationDate": "",
"RevokeDate": "",
"PhotoId": 00,
"PhotoName": "1",
"CardLayoutId": 00000,
"Transferable": "No",
"StartDateTime": "30-03-2020 20:14",
"EndDateTime": "31-03-2020 20:14",
"VisitorTimeZone": "Europe/Paris",
"IsVisitorCard": "Yes",
"SecurityCode": null
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
3 | VCard id does not exist |
"Message":"VCard id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/AddVirtualCardV2/
Method | POST |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
FirstName | Mandatory field and should not contain “. | string |
LastName | Mandatory field and should not contain “. | string |
Mandatory field and should be a valid email address. | string | |
PhoneNumber | Phone number should have maximum 20 and minimum 10 characters. | string |
PrivateorSTidId |
• This field will become *mandatory if PrivateorSTidId != null or empty && ConfigurationId != 0 or null. • PrivateorSTidId should match the protocol. |
string |
ConfigurationId* |
ConfigurationId should be null or zero if User wants to create CSN otherwise user have to provide the configuration Id. |
long |
Fields(1-5) | Field data should not have special characters ' or "" and can have maximum 30 characters allowed | string |
PhotoName | PhotoName should be null or empty if user wants to set default photo in card layout | string |
CardLayoutName | CardLayoutName should be null or empty if user wants to set default card layout | string |
Transferable |
Transferable is an optional field.If user doesn't provide this field the default value "no" will be set while adding a virtual card. Transferable value should be Yes/yes/YES/No/NO/no only Note* CSN cannot be transferable / Visitor card is non transferable | string |
VisitorTimeZone |
VisitorTimeZone is an optional's value should be null or empty if user wants to create a simple Private ID card. Note* Please see following Time zone table to get timeZone value | string |
StartDateTime |
StartDateTime is an optional's value should be null or empty if user wants to create a simple Private ID card. Note* Visitor card start date time should be less than end date time. StartDateTime must be in this format "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm" | string |
EndDateTime |
EndDateTime is an optional's value should be null or empty if user wants to create a simple Private ID card. Note* Visitor card end date time should be greater than start date time. EndDateTime must be in this format "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm" | string |
SecurityCode |
SecurityCode is an optional's value should be null or empty if user wants to create a simple Private ID card. Note* SecurityCode should be maximum and minimum 6 characters long | string |
"Field1":"field 1",
"Field2":"field 2",
"Field3":"field 3",
"Field4":"field 4",
"Field5":"field 5",
"PhotoName": "SamplePhoto",
"CardLayoutName": "SampleCard",
"StartDateTime": "30-03-2020 20:14",
"EndDateTime": "31-03-2020 20:14",
"VisitorTimeZone": "Europe/Paris",
"SecurityCode" :"121212"
Success : JSON object contains success message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"VirtualCardId": 000,
"Message":"VCard created successfully"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":"Site id does not exist"
Model invalid : If request JSON have validation error, it will be shown as
HTTP Status Code | Message |
400 | Bad Request |
"Message":"The request is invalid.",
"Invalid access token"
"A required parameter was not provided: Site Id"
"A required parameter was not provided: First Name"
"A required parameter was not provided: Last Name"
URL : https://servername/api/EditVirtualCardV2/
Method | PUT |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
FirstName | Mandatory field and should not contain “. | string |
LastName | Mandatory field and should not contain “. | string |
Mandatory field and should be a valid email address. | string | |
VirtualCardId | Mandatory field and should not be zero. | long |
PhoneNumber | Phone number should have maximum 20 and minimum 10 characters. | string |
PrivateorSTidId |
API user should be allowed to change the private id if the status of the virtual card is created. • This field will become *mandatory if PrivateorSTidId != null or empty && ConfigurationId != 0 or null. • PrivateorSTidId should match the protocol. |
string |
ConfigurationId |
API user should be allowed to change the configuration id if the status of the virtual card is created. ConfigurationId should be null or zero if User wants to create CSN otherwise user have to provide the configuration Id. |
long |
Fields(1-5) | Field data should not have special characters ' or "" and can have maximum 30 characters allowed | string |
PhotoName | PhotoName should be null or empty if user wants to set default photo in card layout | string |
CardLayoutName | CardLayoutName should be null or zero if user wants to set default card layout | string |
Transferable |
Transferable is an optional field. If user does not provide this field the default value "no" will be set while edit.Transferable value should be Yes/yes/YES/No/NO/no only Note* CSN cannot be transferable / Visitor card is non transferable |
string |
VisitorTimeZone |
VisitorTimeZone is an optional's value should be null or empty if user wants to create a simple Private ID card. Note* Please see following Time zone table to get timeZone value | string |
StartDateTime |
StartDateTime is an optional's value should be null or empty if user wants to create a simple Private ID card. Note* Visitor card start date time should be less than end date time. StartDateTime must be in this format "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm" | string |
EndDateTime |
EndDateTime is an optional's value should be null or empty if user wants to create a simple Private ID card. Note* Visitor card end date time should be greater than start date time. EndDateTime must be in this format "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm" | string |
SecurityCode |
SecurityCode is an optional's value should be null or empty if user wants to create a simple Private ID card. Note* SecurityCode should be maximum and minimum 6 characters long | string |
"VirtualCardId": 00000,
"Field1":"field 1",
"Field2":"field 2",
"Field3":"field 3",
"Field4":"field 4",
"Field5":"field 5",
"PhotoName": "SamplePhoto",
"CardLayoutName": "SampleCard",
"StartDateTime": "30-03-2020 20:14",
"EndDateTime": "31-03-2020 20:14",
"VisitorTimeZone": "Europe/Paris",
"SecurityCode": "121212"
Success : JSON object contains success message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"Message":"VCard updated successfully"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":"Site id does not exist"
Model invalid : If request JSON have validation error, it will be shown as
HTTP Status Code | Message |
400 | Bad Request |
"Message":"The request is invalid.",
"Invalid access token"
"A required parameter was not provided: Site Id"
"A required parameter was not provided: First Name"
"A required parameter was not provided: Last Name"
Editable Parameters | Status | |||||
Created | Created and Email Sent | Activated | Revoked | Pending Revoke | Expired | |
FirstName | ||||||
LastName | ||||||
PrivateorStidId | ||||||
PhoneNumber | ||||||
Fields(1-5) | ||||||
PhotoName | ||||||
CardLayoutName | ||||||
Transferable | ||||||
VisitorTimeZone | ||||||
StartDateTime | ||||||
EndDateTime | ||||||
SecurityCode |
URL : https://servername/api/UploadPhotosV2/
Method | POST |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter (Form data) | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Photo Files | Upload photos for import.One photo having maximum 200 KB size. (file formats allowed: .jpg,.jpeg,.png) | HttpPostedFile |
Note* Maximum combined size of all photos should not be greater than 100MB.
Success : JSON object contains success message having PhotoName,StatusCode and response message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"StatusCode": 200,
"responseMessage": [
"PhotoName": "20x20",
"StatusCode": 85,
"ResponseMessage": "Photo uploaded successfully"
"PhotoName": "100x100",
"StatusCode": 85,
"ResponseMessage": "Photo uploaded successfully"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":" Site id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/ImportVirtualCardV2/
Method | POST |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter (Form data) | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Excel File | VCards file for import (file formats allowed: .xlsx) | .xlsx file |
Please see this example to Import Virtual Card(s) Excel file using POSTMAN.
Success : JSON object contains success message having email,statuscode and response message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"ResponseMessage":"Virtual card already exist"
"ResponseMessage":"Virtual card already exist"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":" Site id does not exist"
This function is used to export excel file of entire user VCard(s) exist in a given Site.Following columns will be exported in excel file :
URL : https://servername/api/ExportVirtualCardV2/?accessToken=X..Y&siteId=118
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success File will start downloading
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
File will start downloading
Error : Error message will be shown in excel file
This function is used to download the status report excel file of entire user VCard(s) exist in a given Site.Following columns will be reported in excel file :
URL : https://servername/api/ReportVirtualCardV2/?accessToken=X..Y&siteId=118
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success File will start downloading
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
File will start downloading
Error : Error message will be shown in excel file
This function is used to get the reserved credits which user can use to download virtual cards.
Email Sent = 5 credits for Private ID, 1 credit for visitor card & 1 credit for STid Mobile ID+
Available Credits = Total Company Remaining Credits
Reserved Credits = Available Credits - Total (Email Sent)
Example: If a company has total 50 credits and user send 1 Private ID virtual card (5 credits) than total reserved credits will be 45.
URL : https://servername/api/GetReservedCreditsV2/?accessToken=XYZ
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
Success : JSON object contains a reserved credits of company associated with the given access token.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"credits": 120
Custom Error Code | Message |
1 | Access token is invalid |
"Message":"Access token is invalid"
URL : https://servername/api/GetSiteListV1/?accessToken=XYZ
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
Success : JSON object contains a list of customer site object associated with the given access token. A customer site object has an id of integer type and site name of string type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"SiteName":"My Site"
Custom Error Code | Message |
1 | Access token is invalid |
"Message":"Access token is invalid"
URL : https://servername/api/GetReaderConfigurationListV1/?accessToken=wXA&siteId=0
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success : JSON object contains a list of reader configuration object associated with the site id and given access token. A reader configuration object has an id of integer type and configuration name of string type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"ConfigurationName":"Conf1 A",
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":" Site id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/GetVirtualCardListV1/?accessToken=NZTJ&siteId=000
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success : JSON object contains a list of VCard object associated with the site id and given access token. A VCard object has an id of integer type, first name, last name, configuration name, Status, Email, Fields (1-5) and private id of string type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":" Site id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/GetVirtualCardDetailV1/?accessToken=Y2M&vcardId=000&siteId=000
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
vcardId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success : JSON object contains VCard detail object associated with the VCard id and given access token. A VCard detail object has an id of integer type, first name, last name, Status, Fields(1-5), Email, Phone ,private Id of string type and configuration id of integer type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
3 | VCard id does not exist |
"Message":"VCard id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/GetVirtualCardDetailV1/?accessToken=MTA0M&configurationId=000&siteId=000&privateId=0000
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
configurationId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
privateId | Mandatory field and should not be empty or null | string |
Success : JSON object contains a list of VCards detail object associated with the Private id and given access token. A VCard detail object has an id of integer type, first name, last name, Status, Fields(1-5), Email, Phone ,private Id of string type and configuration id of integer type.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"FirstName": "john",
"LastName": "smith",
"PhoneNumber": null,
"PrivateorStidId": "12345678",
"ConfigurationId": 1162,
"ConfigurationName": "HHHH WPX",
"VirtualCardId": 7043,
"Status": "Created",
"Email": "",
"Field1": null,
"Field2": null,
"Field3": null,
"Field4": null,
"Field5": null
"FirstName": "john",
"LastName": "smith",
"PhoneNumber": null,
"PrivateorStidId": "12345678",
"ConfigurationId": 1162,
"ConfigurationName": "HHHH WPX",
"VirtualCardId": 7044,
"Status": "Created",
"Email": "",
"Field1": null,
"Field2": null,
"Field3": null,
"Field4": null,
"Field5": null
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
3 | VCard id does not exist |
"Message":"VCard id does not exist"
URL : https://servername/api/AddVirtualCardV1/
Method | POST |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
FirstName | Mandatory field and should not contain “. | string |
LastName | Mandatory field and should not contain “. | string |
Mandatory field and should be a valid email address. | string | |
PhoneNumber | Phone number should have maximum 20 and minimum 10 characters. | string |
PrivateorSTidId |
• This field will become *mandatory if PrivateorSTidId != null or empty && ConfigurationId != 0 or null. • PrivateorSTidId should match the protocol. |
string |
ConfigurationId | ConfigurationId should be null or zero if User wants to create CSN otherwise user have to provide the configuration Id. | long |
Fields(1-5) | Field data should not have special characters ' or "" and can have maximum 30 characters allowed | string |
"Field1":"field 1",
"Field2":"field 2",
"Field3":"field 3",
"Field4":"field 4",
"Field5":"field 5"
Success : JSON object contains success message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"VirtualCardId": 000,
"Message":"VCard created successfully"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":"Site id does not exist"
Model invalid : If request JSON have validation error, it will be shown as
HTTP Status Code | Message |
400 | Bad Request |
"Message":"The request is invalid.",
"Invalid access token"
"A required parameter was not provided: Site Id"
"A required parameter was not provided: First Name"
"A required parameter was not provided: Last Name"
URL : https://servername/api/EditVirtualCardV1/
Method | PUT |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
FirstName | Mandatory field and should not contain “. | string |
LastName | Mandatory field and should not contain “. | string |
Mandatory field and should be a valid email address. | string | |
VirtualCardId | Mandatory field and should not be zero. | long |
PhoneNumber | Phone number should have maximum 20 and minimum 10 characters. | string |
PrivateorSTidId |
API user should be allowed to change the private id if the status of the virtual card is created. • This field will become *mandatory if PrivateorSTidId != null or empty && ConfigurationId != 0 or null. • PrivateorSTidId should match the protocol. |
string |
ConfigurationId |
API user should be allowed to change the configuration id if the status of the virtual card is created. ConfigurationId should be null or zero if User wants to create CSN otherwise user have to provide the configuration Id. |
long |
Fields(1-5) | Field data should not have special characters ' or "" and can have maximum 30 characters allowed | string |
"VirtualCardId": "000",
"Field1":"field 1",
"Field2":"field 2",
"Field3":"field 3",
"Field4":"field 4",
"Field5":"field 5"
Success : JSON object contains success message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"Message":"VCard updated successfully"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":"Site id does not exist"
Model invalid : If request JSON have validation error, it will be shown as
HTTP Status Code | Message |
400 | Bad Request |
"Message":"The request is invalid.",
"Invalid access token"
"A required parameter was not provided: Site Id"
"A required parameter was not provided: First Name"
"A required parameter was not provided: Last Name"
Editable Parameters | Status | ||||
Created | Created and Email Sent | Activated | Revoked | Pending Revoke | |
FirstName | |||||
LastName | |||||
PrivateorStidId | |||||
PhoneNumber | |||||
Fields(1-5) |
URL : https://servername/api/DeleteVirtualCardV1/
Method | DELETE |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
ids | Mandatory field and should be array(long) of virtual card ids. | (Array) long [] |
"accessToken": "X..Y"
Success : JSON object contains success message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"ResponseMessage":"Virtual card deleted successfully"
"ResponseMessage":"Virtual card deleted successfully"
Model invalid : If request JSON have validation error, it will be shown as
HTTP Status Code | Message |
400 | Bad Request |
"Message":"The request is invalid.",
"Invalid access token"
"A required parameter was not provided: Site Id"
URL : https://servername/api/SendVirtualCardV1/
Method | POST |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
ids | Mandatory field and should be array(long) of virtual card ids. | (Array) long [] |
"accessToken": "X..Y"
Success : JSON object contains success message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"ResponseMessage":"Virtual Card email sent successfully"
Model invalid : If request JSON have validation error, it will be shown as
HTTP Status Code | Message |
400 | Bad Request |
"Message":"The request is invalid.",
"Invalid access token"
"A required parameter was not provided: Site Id"
URL : https://servername/api/RevokeVirtualCardV1/
Method | POST |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
ids | Mandatory field and should be array(long) of virtual card ids. | (Array) long [] |
"accessToken": "X..Y"
Success : JSON object contains success message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"ResponseMessage":" Activated CSN cannot be revoked"
Model invalid : If request JSON have validation error, it will be shown as
HTTP Status Code | Message |
400 | Bad Request |
"Message":"The request is invalid.",
"Invalid access token"
"A required parameter was not provided: Site Id"
URL : https://servername/api/ImportVirtualCardV1/
Method | POST |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter (Form data) | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Excel File | VCards file for import (file formats allowed: .xlsx) | .xlsx file |
Success : JSON object contains success message having email,statuscode and response message.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"ResponseMessage":"Virtual card already exist"
"ResponseMessage":"Virtual card already exist"
Error : Error object contains of an error code and an error message in JSON format.
Custom Error Code | Message |
2 | Site id does not exist |
"Message":" Site id does not exist"
This function is used to export excel file of entire user VCard(s) exist in a given Site.Following columns will be exported in excel file :
URL : https://servername/api/ExportVirtualCardV1/?accessToken=X..Y&siteId=118
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success File will start downloading
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
File will start downloading
Error : Error message will be shown in excel file
This function is used to download the status report excel file of entire user VCard(s) exist in a given Site.Following columns will be reported in excel file :
URL : https://servername/api/ReportVirtualCardV1/?accessToken=X..Y&siteId=118
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success File will start downloading
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
File will start downloading
Error : Error message will be shown in excel file
URL : https://servername/api/GetVersionV1/?accessToken=X..Y
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"API Version": "v3",
"Online Portal Version": "v3.2.0.39"
Custom Error Code | Message |
1 | Access token is invalid |
"Message":"Access token is invalid"
URL : https://servername/api/SetLanguageV1
Method | PUT |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
language | Should only be 'fr' or 'en' | string |
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"Message":"Language updated successfully"
HTTP Status Code | Message |
400 | Bad Request |
"Message":"The request is invalid.",
"A required parameter was not provided: langauge",
"Invalid language"
URL : https://servername/api/GetLanguageV1/?accessToken=X..Y
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
Custom Error Code | Message |
1 | Access token is invalid |
"Message":"Access token is invalid"
URL : https://servername/api/GetFieldNamesV1/?accessToken=wXA&siteId=0
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
siteId | Mandatory field and it should not be zero. | long |
Success : JSON object contains fields parameters object associated with the given access token and site id.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"VCardField1": "CustomName1",
"VCardField2": " CustomName2",
"VCardField3": " CustomName3",
"VCardField4": " CustomName5",
"VCardField5": " CustomName6"
Custom Error Code | Message |
1 | Access token is invalid |
"Message":"Access token is invalid"
URL : https://servername/api/GetAvailableCreditsV1/?accessToken=XYZ
Method | GET |
Response format | JSON |
Parameter | Validations | Data Type |
accessToken | Mandatory field having maximum 250 and minimum 9 characters. | string |
Success : JSON object contains a remaining credits of company associated with the given access token.
HTTP Status Code | Message |
200 | OK |
"credits": 148
Custom Error Code | Message |
1 | Access token is invalid |
"Message":"Access token is invalid"
A time zone is a region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. Time zones tend to follow the boundaries of countries and their subdivisions instead of strictly following longitude, because it is convenient for areas in close commercial or other communication to keep the same time.
Zone ID | Modern offsets |
Africa/Abidjan | +00 |
Africa/Accra | +00 |
Africa/Algiers | +01 |
Africa/Bissau | +00 |
Africa/Cairo | +02, +03 |
Africa/Casablanca | +00, +01 |
Africa/Ceuta | +01, +02 |
Africa/El_Aaiun | +00, +01 |
Africa/Johannesburg | +02 |
Africa/Juba | +02, +03 |
Africa/Khartoum | +02, +03 |
Africa/Lagos | +01 |
Africa/Maputo | +02 |
Africa/Monrovia | +00 |
Africa/Nairobi | +03 |
Africa/Ndjamena | +01 |
Africa/Sao_Tome | +00, +01 |
Africa/Tripoli | +01, +02 |
Africa/Tunis | +01, +02 |
Africa/Windhoek | +01, +02 |
America/Adak | -10, -09 |
America/Anchorage | -09, -08 |
America/Araguaina | -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires | -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/Catamarca | -04, -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/Cordoba | -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/Jujuy | -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/La_Rioja | -04, -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/Mendoza | -04, -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos | -04, -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/Salta | -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/San_Juan | -04, -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/San_Luis | -04, -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/Tucuman | -04, -03, -02 |
America/Argentina/Ushuaia | -04, -03, -02 |
America/Asuncion | -04, -03 |
America/Atikokan | -05 |
America/Bahia | -03, -02 |
America/Bahia_Banderas | -07, -06, -05 |
America/Barbados | -04 |
America/Belem | -03 |
America/Belize | -06 |
America/Blanc-Sablon | -04 |
America/Boa_Vista | -04, -03 |
America/Bogota | -05 |
America/Boise | -07, -06 |
America/Cambridge_Bay | -07, -06, -05 |
America/Campo_Grande | -04, -03 |
America/Cancun | -06, -05 |
America/Caracas | -04:30, -04 |
America/Cayenne | -03 |
America/Chicago | -06, -05 |
America/Chihuahua | -07, -06 |
America/Costa_Rica | -06 |
America/Creston | -07 |
America/Cuiaba | -04, -03 |
America/Curacao | -04 |
America/Danmarkshavn | +00 |
America/Dawson | -08, -07 |
America/Dawson_Creek | -07 |
America/Denver | -07, -06 |
America/Detroit | -05, -04 |
America/Edmonton | -07, -06 |
America/Eirunepe | -05, -04 |
America/El_Salvador | -06 |
America/Fort_Nelson | -08, -07 |
America/Fortaleza | -03, -02 |
America/Glace_Bay | -04, -03 |
America/Godthab | -03, -02 |
America/Goose_Bay | -04, -03 |
America/Grand_Turk | -05, -04 |
America/Guatemala | -06, -05 |
America/Guayaquil | -05 |
America/Guyana | -04 |
America/Halifax | -04, -03 |
America/Havana | -05, -04 |
America/Hermosillo | -07 |
America/Indiana/Indianapolis | -05, -04 |
America/Indiana/Knox | -06, -05 |
America/Indiana/Marengo | -05, -04 |
America/Indiana/Petersburg | -06, -05, -04 |
America/Indiana/Tell_City | -06, -05 |
America/Indiana/Vevay | -05, -04 |
America/Indiana/Vincennes | -06, -05, -04 |
America/Indiana/Winamac | -06, -05, -04 |
America/Inuvik | -07, -06 |
America/Iqaluit | -06, -05, -04 |
America/Jamaica | -05 |
America/Juneau | -09, -08 |
America/Kentucky/Louisville | -05, -04 |
America/Kentucky/Monticello | -06, -05, -04 |
America/La_Paz | -04 |
America/Lima | -05 |
America/Los_Angeles | -08, -07 |
America/Maceio | -03, -02 |
America/Managua | -06, -05 |
America/Manaus | -04 |
America/Martinique | -04 |
America/Matamoros | -06, -05 |
America/Mazatlan | -07, -06 |
America/Menominee | -06, -05 |
America/Merida | -06, -05 |
America/Metlakatla | -09, -08 |
America/Mexico_City | -06, -05 |
America/Miquelon | -03, -02 |
America/Moncton | -04, -03 |
America/Monterrey | -06, -05 |
America/Montevideo | -03, -02 |
America/Nassau | -05, -04 |
America/New_York | -05, -04 |
America/Nipigon | -05, -04 |
America/Nome | -09, -08 |
America/Noronha | -02, -01 |
America/North_Dakota/Beulah | -07, -06, -05 |
America/North_Dakota/Center | -06, -05 |
America/North_Dakota/New_Salem | -07, -06, -05 |
America/Ojinaga | -07, -06 |
America/Panama | -05 |
America/Pangnirtung | -06, -05, -04 |
America/Paramaribo | -03 |
America/Phoenix | -07 |
America/Port_of_Spain | -04 |
America/Port-au-Prince | -05, -04 |
America/Porto_Velho | -04 |
America/Puerto_Rico | -04 |
America/Punta_Arenas | -04, -03 |
America/Rainy_River | -06, -05 |
America/Rankin_Inlet | -06, -05 |
America/Recife | -03, -02 |
America/Regina | -06 |
America/Resolute | -06, -05 |
America/Rio_Branco | -05, -04 |
America/Santarem | -04, -03 |
America/Santiago | -04, -03 |
America/Santo_Domingo | -05, -04 |
America/Sao_Paulo | |
America/Scoresbysund | -01, +00 |
America/Sitka | -09, -08 |
America/St_Johns | -03:30, -02:30 |
America/Swift_Current | -06 |
America/Tegucigalpa | -06, -05 |
America/Thule | -04, -03 |
America/Thunder_Bay | -05, -04 |
America/Tijuana | -08, -07 |
America/Toronto | -05, -04 |
America/Vancouver | -08, -07 |
America/Whitehorse | -08, -07 |
America/Winnipeg | -06, -05 |
America/Yakutat | -09, -08 |
America/Yellowknife | -07, -06 |
Antarctica/Casey | +08, +11 |
Antarctica/Davis | +05, +07 |
Antarctica/DumontDUrville | +10 |
Antarctica/Macquarie | +10, +11 |
Antarctica/Mawson | +05, +06 |
Antarctica/Palmer | -04, -03 |
Antarctica/Rothera | -03 |
Antarctica/Syowa | +03 |
Antarctica/Troll | +00, +02 |
Antarctica/Vostok | +06 |
Asia/Almaty | +06, +07 |
Asia/Amman | +02, +03 |
Asia/Anadyr | +11, +12, +13 |
Asia/Aqtau | +04, +05 |
Asia/Aqtobe | +05, +06 |
Asia/Ashgabat | +05 |
Asia/Atyrau | +04, +05 |
Asia/Baghdad | +03, +04 |
Asia/Baku | +04, +05 |
Asia/Bangkok | +07 |
Asia/Barnaul | +06, +07 |
Asia/Beirut | +02, +03 |
Asia/Bishkek | +05, +06 |
Asia/Brunei | +08 |
Asia/Chita | +08, +09, +10 |
Asia/Choibalsan | +08, +09, +10 |
Asia/Colombo | +05:30, +06 |
Asia/Damascus | +02, +03 |
Asia/Dhaka | +06, +07 |
Asia/Dili | +08, +09 |
Asia/Dubai | +04 |
Asia/Dushanbe | +05 |
Asia/Famagusta | +02, +03 |
Asia/Gaza | +02, +03 |
Asia/Hebron | +02, +03 |
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh | +07 |
Asia/Hong_Kong | +08 |
Asia/Hovd | +07, +08 |
Asia/Irkutsk | +08, +09 |
Asia/Jakarta | +07 |
Asia/Jayapura | +09 |
Asia/Jerusalem | +02, +03 |
Asia/Kabul | +04:30 |
Asia/Kamchatka | +11, +12, +13 |
Asia/Karachi | +05, +06 |
Asia/Kathmandu | +05:45 |
Asia/Khandyga | +09, +10, +11 |
Asia/Kolkata | +05:30 |
Asia/Krasnoyarsk | +07, +08 |
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur | +08 |
Asia/Kuching | +08 |
Asia/Macau | +08 |
Asia/Magadan | +10, +11, +12 |
Asia/Makassar | +08 |
Asia/Manila | +08 |
Asia/Nicosia | +02, +03 |
Asia/Novokuznetsk | +06, +07, +08 |
Asia/Novosibirsk | +06, +07 |
Asia/Omsk | +06, +07 |
Asia/Oral | +04, +05 |
Asia/Pontianak | +07 |
Asia/Pyongyang | +08:30, +09 |
Asia/Qatar | +03 |
Asia/Qostanay | +05, +06 |
Asia/Qyzylorda | +05, +06 |
Asia/Riyadh | +03 |
Asia/Sakhalin | +10, +11 |
Asia/Samarkand | +05 |
Asia/Seoul | +09 |
Asia/Shanghai | +08 |
Asia/Singapore | +08 |
Asia/Srednekolymsk | +11, +12 |
Asia/Taipei | +08 |
Asia/Tashkent | +05 |
Asia/Tbilisi | +03, +04, +05 |
Asia/Tehran | +03:30, +04:30 |
Asia/Thimphu | +06 |
Asia/Tokyo | +09 |
Asia/Tomsk | +06, +07, +08 |
Asia/Ulaanbaatar | +08, +09 |
Asia/Urumqi | +06 |
Asia/Ust-Nera | +10, +11, +12 |
Asia/Vladivostok | +10, +11 |
Asia/Yakutsk | +09, +10 |
Asia/Yangon | +06:30 |
Asia/Yekaterinburg | +05, +06 |
Asia/Yerevan | +04, +05 |
Atlantic/Azores | -01, +00 |
Atlantic/Bermuda | -04, -03 |
Atlantic/Canary | +00, +01 |
Atlantic/Cape_Verde | -01 |
Atlantic/Faroe | +00, +01 |
Atlantic/Madeira | +00, +01 |
Atlantic/Reykjavik | +00 |
Atlantic/South_Georgia | -02 |
Atlantic/Stanley | -04, -03 |
Australia/Adelaide | +09:30, +10:30 |
Australia/Brisbane | +10 |
Australia/Broken_Hill | +09:30, +10:30 |
Australia/Currie | +10, +11 |
Australia/Darwin | +09:30 |
Australia/Eucla | +08:45, +09:45 |
Australia/Hobart | +10, +11 |
Australia/Lindeman | +10 |
Australia/Lord_Howe | +10:30, +11 |
Australia/Melbourne | +10, +11 |
Australia/Perth | +08, +09 |
Australia/Sydney | +10, +11 |
CET | +01, +02 |
CST6CDT | -06, -05 |
EET | +02, +03 |
EST | -05 |
EST5EDT | -05, -04 |
Etc/GMT | +00 |
Etc/GMT-1 | +01 |
Etc/GMT-10 | +10 |
Etc/GMT-11 | +11 |
Etc/GMT-12 | +12 |
Etc/GMT-13 | +13 |
Etc/GMT-14 | +14 |
Etc/GMT-2 | +02 |
Etc/GMT-3 | +03 |
Etc/GMT-4 | +04 |
Etc/GMT-5 | +05 |
Etc/GMT-6 | +06 |
Etc/GMT-7 | +07 |
Etc/GMT-8 | +08 |
Etc/GMT-9 | +09 |
Etc/GMT+1 | -01 |
Etc/GMT+10 | -10 |
Etc/GMT+11 | -11 |
Etc/GMT+12 | -12 |
Etc/GMT+2 | -02 |
Etc/GMT+3 | -03 |
Etc/GMT+4 | -04 |
Etc/GMT+5 | -05 |
Etc/GMT+6 | -06 |
Etc/GMT+7 | -07 |
Etc/GMT+8 | -08 |
Etc/GMT+9 | -09 |
Etc/UTC | +00 |
Europe/Amsterdam | +01, +02 |
Europe/Andorra | +01, +02 |
Europe/Astrakhan | +03, +04 |
Europe/Athens | +02, +03 |
Europe/Belgrade | +01, +02 |
Europe/Berlin | +01, +02 |
Europe/Brussels | +01, +02 |
Europe/Bucharest | +02, +03 |
Europe/Budapest | +01, +02 |
Europe/Chisinau | +02, +03 |
Europe/Copenhagen | +01, +02 |
Europe/Dublin | +00, +01 |
Europe/Gibraltar | +01, +02 |
Europe/Helsinki | +02, +03 |
Europe/Istanbul | +02, +03 |
Europe/Kaliningrad | +02, +03 |
Europe/Kiev | +02, +03 |
Europe/Kirov | +03, +04 |
Europe/Lisbon | +00, +01 |
Europe/London | +00, +01 |
Europe/Luxembourg | +01, +02 |
Europe/Madrid | +01, +02 |
Europe/Malta | +01, +02 |
Europe/Minsk | +02, +03 |
Europe/Monaco | +01, +02 |
Europe/Moscow | +03, +04 |
Europe/Oslo | +01, +02 |
Europe/Paris | +01, +02 |
Europe/Prague | +01, +02 |
Europe/Riga | +02, +03 |
Europe/Rome | +01, +02 |
Europe/Samara | +03, +04, +05 |
Europe/Saratov | +03, +04 |
Europe/Simferopol | +02, +03, +04 |
Europe/Sofia | +02, +03 |
Europe/Stockholm | +01, +02 |
Europe/Tallinn | +02, +03 |
Europe/Tirane | +01, +02 |
Europe/Ulyanovsk | +03, +04 |
Europe/Uzhgorod | +02, +03 |
Europe/Vienna | +01, +02 |
Europe/Vilnius | +02, +03 |
Europe/Volgograd | +03, +04 |
Europe/Warsaw | +01, +02 |
Europe/Zaporozhye | +02, +03 |
Europe/Zurich | +01, +02 |
HST | -10 |
Indian/Chagos | +06 |
Indian/Christmas | +07 |
Indian/Cocos | +06:30 |
Indian/Kerguelen | +05 |
Indian/Mahe | +04 |
Indian/Maldives | +05 |
Indian/Mauritius | +04, +05 |
Indian/Reunion | +04 |
MET | +01, +02 |
MST | -07 |
MST7MDT | -07, -06 |
Pacific/Apia | -11, -10, +13, +14 |
Pacific/Auckland | +12, +13 |
Pacific/Bougainville | +10, +11 |
Pacific/Chatham | +12:45, +13:45 |
Pacific/Chuuk | +10 |
Pacific/Easter | -06, -05 |
Pacific/Efate | +11 |
Pacific/Enderbury | +13 |
Pacific/Fakaofo | -11, +13 |
Pacific/Fiji | +12, +13 |
Pacific/Funafuti | +12 |
Pacific/Galapagos | -06 |
Pacific/Gambier | -09 |
Pacific/Guadalcanal | +11 |
Pacific/Guam | +10 |
Pacific/Honolulu | -10 |
Pacific/Kiritimati | +14 |
Pacific/Kosrae | +11 |
Pacific/Kwajalein | +12 |
Pacific/Majuro | +12 |
Pacific/Marquesas | -09:30 |
Pacific/Nauru | +12 |
Pacific/Niue | -11 |
Pacific/Norfolk | +11, +11:30, +12 |
Pacific/Noumea | +11 |
Pacific/Pago_Pago | -11 |
Pacific/Palau | +09 |
Pacific/Pitcairn | -08 |
Pacific/Pohnpei | +11 |
Pacific/Port_Moresby | +10 |
Pacific/Rarotonga | -10 |
Pacific/Tahiti | -10 |
Pacific/Tarawa | +12 |
Pacific/Tongatapu | +13, +14 |
Pacific/Wake | +12 |
Pacific/Wallis | +12 |
PST8PDT | -08, -07 |
WET | +00, +01 |
API Version | Detail | Release Date |
API Version | Web Application Version | Compatible |